Introduces New products of HIT Tools.
New products in 2025
SS 450-SSSteel Strap Cutter with Sliding Striker
【New product from the lineup of Steel Strap Cutter series】
・The sliding striker part is same as the product SS 600-SS, but a smaller size.
Also SS 450-SS has replacement blades like normal SS 450.
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SS 450-HHSteel Strap Cutter with Hammer Handle
【New product from the lineup of Steel Strap Cutter series】
・With a hitting point on the lower handle, users can hit it by tools
like hammers to push the blade between steel strap and the object.
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【Special features of BC STAND】
・For huge size tools from HIT. Not only bolt cutters,
there are some other tools that can use this accessory. It is very easy to attach or remove.
・Placing the handle with the BC STAND on the ground can change the force direction.
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New products in 2014
SS 600-SSSteel Strap Cutter with Sliding Striker
【Special features of Steel Strap Cutter with Sliding Striker】
・This new product includes hammer function(slidiing striker), The work efficiency
of workers who utilizse this function will improve.
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BC 750 BHBolt Cutter with Bendable Handle
【Special features of Bolt Cutter with Bendable Handle】
・By bending Grip and setting it on the ground, cutting materials stably and safely.
It is also possible to cut materials without bending
Grip as the standard bolt cutter.
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New products in 2010
MN350GMonster Nipper
【Special features of Monster Nipper】
・The sharp cutting edge of the blade enables to cut the 7mm dia. soft steel bars (up to 80HRB)
with very low cutting load. MN350G shows 40% lower cutting value than Angular Cutter.
・For safty, Plastic Protection Cover is standard equipped.
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