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HOME > PRODUCTS > Bolt Cutters > Steel Strap Cutter with Sliding Striker

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Steel Strap Cutter with Sliding Striker
Steel Strap Cutter with Sliding Striker
Item No.:
When using normal HIT Steel Strap Cutters, users have to hit the end of handle by hammers to push the blade between steel strap and the object.
However, Sliding Striker handle is able to give impact to the blade by pull and push the grip. Users won't need an extra hammer when using it.
For more detail of this product: SS 450-SS detail
Tool No. Length Capacity
Japan steel straps
SS 450-SS 520mm
*When the sliding striker grip is pulled out
to the end the total length will be 565mm
up to thickiness
1.2mm × width 51mm
1.4 kg


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